Registration Now Open

We’re excited to announce the very first book group is The Let Them Theory, by Mel Robbins!

This new book is available in hardcover, audio, and digital. Grab a copy and get ready to read and discuss with intention.

The Book Club Format

Every Sunday, for four weeks, you'll get an email with a set amount of recommended pages to read for the week and some questions to think about during the week. This format is for guidance only, you can read ahead, look at the questions before you read, or wait until after to think out or write out your answers.

You'll learn a quick and easy Post-It method for remembering the impressionable places in the book you want to bring up in discussion.

At the end of the four weeks, we'll meet over Zoom and I'll lead a discussion based on the prompts and your Post-It thoughts.

For those local to Portland, Maine, we'll have an optional in-person book club gathering at the end as well.

Book group emails begin Sunday, January 26th, and end on February 16th.

You must register for The Let Them Theory book group to receive the discussion emails and an invitation to the Zoom call.

Join The Waitlist

Be the first to see upcoming book groups and register for the ones you’re interested in.